the story…

The Fashion File was born from +25 years of Fashion Industry experience, watching major change in countless ways, yet remaining a constant to core basics…

Some of those shifts (for example, going from 3 collections a year to monthly deliveries) have brought us not only to burn out and a huge negative environmental impact, but also to a Renaissance of appreciation for small production runs and room for new designers to rise.

Having provided consulting for countless start ups, a base list of steps and rookie mistakes became evident… From wasting money on the wrong tools, to wasting time trying to stay organized or figuring out steps, these system of templates and forms became a set, and the idea of this platform to share them became a dream…

From properly costing your garment, to skipping the headaches of trying to draw the perfect pose and face, to communicating with your contractors through the right industry standard forms, you can trust every single product from the The Fashion File is what you would find at any major brand you love. No Fashion School Basics, but the real deal.

And it doesn’t stop here. We are working on adding more forms and coming soon we will start bringing tutorials, webinars and live workshops and interviews with industry professionals to answer all your questions…

Join our design community and stay in touch by following us on social media and/or signing up for our newsletter in the box below. We are glad you are here!


The fashion file